PROPTECH A Clean Energy Marketplaceat Scale SPEAKER PROFILE KEY COMPANY FACTS • More than 15 years in the energy field in Spain, United Key Corporate Facts Key Financials States and Germany, both in generation and Headquarters Barcelona, Spain Revenues 2017 €140m commercialization of electricity and gas Founded 2010 • Professor of Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the Employees 100-1,000 University of Barcelona Traffic Aug-17 Aug-18 • Hold Executive MBA title from IESE; studied Business Active Markets National Unique Users 0.2m 0.3m Management at New York University (NYU) Ownership Private – VCs Visits 0.5m 0.5m • Master in Mathematical Methods for Financial Funding €20m Minutes 02:01 02:24 Markets. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Key Investors Axon Partners Carlota Pi • Industrial Engineer. Universitat Politècnica de Sessions Mobile: 71% Mobile: 61% Catalunya (UPC) NOAHContent Holaluz at NOAH Desktop: 29% Desktop: 39% Aug 2018 Direct: 45%, Search: 40%, Co-Founder & • Participant at Blackbox Connect 2017, two-week Website Sources Referrals: 4%, Other: 11% CEO residential program in Silicon Valley for global startup Key Operating KPIs founders • Considered one of the 100 more creative people in Customers 2017 150k 2016 by Forbes Growth Rate 2017 10% / month; 143% / year COMPANY PROFILE HOLALUZ @ NOAH Doing Business @ NOAH Main Presentation Topics • Created in Barcelona with the desire to change the world, Holaluz has been founded in 2010 to lead the transformation of the energy sector by putting the Present your business proposal through N/A customer in the center of company decisions and building a long-term customer NOAH Connect app relationship based on trust • Holaluz’s challenge is to create a mainstream system that becomes a new standard for people's life based on the levers of rational use of energy, storage and self-production. • Holaluz wants to accompany customers on the journey to a new sustainable model where they will manage and own their green energy, becoming Attendees @NOAH prosumers instead of consumers Carlota Pi, Co-Founder & CEO 56