Fluxunit – OSRAM Ventures KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Munich Fluxunit is the corporate venture capital unit of OSRAM. Active Markets Global Acting as early stage investor, our goal is to engage with startups that develop innovative, scalable business models and technologies shaping the world we live in. Founded 2016 Leveraging our corporate OSRAM heritage, we focus our investments on startups, where we can contribute to a startup’s success and value creation. Employees Approx. 10 Consequently, our investment fields include the areas of smart city, smart building and industrial applications (e.g. sensors, horticulture, mobility,…) Current Fund Size N/A Use of Debt No SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES AUM N/A Blickfeld develop and sell LiDAR sensors and provide the software to interpret complex 3d point clouds. Target Investment Size N/A Agrilution offers a complete vertical farming ecosystem consisting of a smart plug’n’play home-growing appliance and consumables, as well as an App that eliminates the need for a green thumb. Thereby we enable you to grow the healthiest, freshest most taste intensive greens in your own home. Target Geographies N/A Beaconsmind is a software provider based in Zurich, Switzerland and Munich, Germany. The company helps in- store retailers digitalize their business models. As the first iBeacon full-service provider, the company use their software beaconsmind Suite to drive sales, customer loyalty and revenues for clients in brick-and-mortar business. Target Sectors Smart city, smart building and industrial applications Full Portfolio • https://www.fluxunit.eu/en/portfolio/index.jsp Investment Style Active KEY CONTACTS Deal Structures N/A Oliver Kahl Investment & Portfolio Manager • With Fluxunit since 2017, previsouly Business Analyst at eCAPITAL Key Investment Criteria N/A Email: [email protected] Website www.fluxunit.eu Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone +49 89 6213 3646 INVESTOR BOOK 54