O.G. Tech Ventures KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Tel Aviv O.G. Tech Ventures is a $100m VC launched in May 2017, focusing on early growth, technology-based, innovative Israeli related startups operating in big markets being disrupted. It’s a unique VC with a single LP - Eyal Ofer, headed by a single Managing Partner – Roy Oron, and supported by a local team andhavingaccessto a vastglobalnetwork. Active Markets Israel This unique single-LP, single-GP structure, long-term thinking, and their deep financial resources, allows them to be creative and move fast, and Founded 2017 continueandsupporttheirportfoliocompaniesfor the long-run. Employees Approx. 5 Current Fund Size $100m Use of Debt No SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES enSilo offers a solution designed to comprehensively secure endpoints both pre- and post-infection. Its solution AUM $100m automates and orchestrates detection, prevention, and real-time response against advanced malware and ransomware without burdening cybersecurity staff. Target Investment Size N/A Arbe Robotics Ltd offers an ultra-low C-SWAP (cost, size, weight, and power) radar based on its proprietary algorithms and approach. Target Geographies Israel Secdo offers a preemptive incident-response platform designed to help security teams cut incident response time to minutes, remediate attacks surgically without affecting business continuity, and bolster their defenses against future Target Sectors N/A attacks. Investment Style Active Full Portfolio • www.og-tech.vc/companies/ Deal Structures N/A KEY CONTACTS Key Investment Criteria N/A Roy Oron • With O.G. Tech Ventures since 2017. Previously CEO at SOSA and Head of Investments at PLUS Ventures Managing Partner • Companies: ClipCall, AngelSense, Bringg, Arbe Robotics, enSilo, SECDO Website www.og-tech.vc Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone N/A 28