next47 KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Palo Alto, Boston, London, Munich, Beijing next47 has partnered with Techstars to turn Siemens sponsored ideas into successful, world-class businesses. It gives Siemens employees and start- upslinkedtoSiemensthechancetoquicklylaunchtheirownideawith supportfrommentors. Active Markets Global next 47 invests in start-ups(stage agnostic), or create them.In addition, they collaborate with existingstart-ups. Founded 2016 next47 provides promising new companies with access to global markets and customers in more than 200 countries, cross-industry networking opportunitiesand the expertiseof experiencedSiemensspecialists. Employees Approx. 70 In addition, their program offers deep vertical know-how, fast prototyping, access to real data to test algorithms, real use cases and global access to Siemenscustomersandmanufacturingfacilities. Current Fund Size N/A Use of Debt No SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Fair is a car leasing company that aims to grant access to mobility to everyone by pioneering the car-as-a-service AUM N/A (CaaS) concept. It gives customers the freedom to drive the car they want for as long as they want, and the flexibility to walk away at any time. Atom Power, Inc. was founded in 2014 for the purposes of revolutionizing commercial and industrial power Target Investment Size N/A distribution through the development of solid-state switching technology. It is their mission to make power safe, controllable, visible, and simple. They are a hardware and software company, integrating both together into seamless, end-to-end power distribution products. Target Geographies N/A Markforged revolutionized manufacturing by inventing a new 3D printing process to build parts with the strength of Target Sectors N/A Continuous Carbon Fiber. Investment Style Active Deal Structures Investments, Incubation KEY CONTACTS Rouven Spinner Key Investment Criteria N/A Investment Specialist • With next47 since 2017, previously Senior Principal at Siemens Venture Capital Website Email: [email protected] Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone +49 (89) 636 33446 27