Tar Heel Capital KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Warsaw Tar Heel Capital manages Private Equity funds. Our commitment for over 15 years has been enabling companies to achieve position of a market leader andhasbeenprovidinginvestorswith above-averagereturns. Active Markets Global Wesupport boards of directors in a process of strategic planning for development and help to find investments. We're entrepreneurs - we know what determines the success of the business. Companies in our portfolio can count on active support in virtually every area of activity. Flexibility and speed Founded 2007 - we makeourinvestmentdecisionsin Poland- allowustotakeadvantageof theinvestmentopportunitiesthat requiredynamicaction. Focusing on investment in the SMEs sector Tar Heel Capital provides capital to development-oriented companies, which have the greatest meaning Employees Approx. 20 for economicinnovation.Weinvestincompaniesintransactionswith a valueof €2 millionto €25 million. Current Fund Size N/A Use of Debt N/A SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES elPLC is one of the fastest growing companies offering industrial automation and robotics in Poland, specializing in AUM N/A design and manufacturing of specilist machines, complete assemly lines and automated work stations. Target Investment Size $2m - $25m A manufacturer of special vehicles for inter road maintenance, water supply and waste water maintenance, and one of four manufacturers of airport vehicles in the world. Target Geographies Poland One of the largest companies in Poland offering hot-dip zinc coating based on an environmentally friendly Modern production, Solutions for utilities, technology of zinc coating. Target Sectors New technologies, Internet, SaaS, Logistics, Business Services Full Portfolio • www.en.tarheelcap.com/tar-heel-capital-private-equity/ Investment Style Active KEY CONTACTS Deal Structures N/A Andrzej Rózycki • With Tar Heel Capital since 2007 Key Investment Criteria N/A Managing Partner • Companies: LIVECHAT Software, Rockfin, Tomma, Ekobet-Siekierki, FAM Email: [email protected] Grupa Kapitalowa, Stradom Website www.tarheelcap.com Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone N/A 52