Trilantic Capital Partners KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Europe: London, Guernsey, Luxembourg Trilantic Capital Partners is a global private equity firm focused on control and significant minority investments in North America and Europe managed byTrilantic North America and Trilantic Europe. We employ flexible transaction structures and have a strong heritage of partnering with family-owned businesses and providing growth capital to outstanding management teams. We primarily target investments in the consumer, energy, industrials, Active Markets Global TMT,healthcare,financialandbusinessservicessectors,andcurrentlymanagesix privateequityfunds. Founded 2009 Employees Approx. 30 Current Fund Size $1.8bn Use of Debt Yes SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES LeYa is a leading publishing group in Portugal with stroong positions in both textbook publishing (approx. 30% AUM Approx. $4.3bn market share) and general publishing (approx. 20% market share). Target Investment Size N/A VERTEX is the leading producer of bioethanol in Spain and France. Target Geographies Global Prettl Automotive is a leading global supplier of sensor cable solutions for the automotive industry Target Sectors Consumer & Leisure, Industrials, TMT, Business Services and Healthcare Investment Style Active Full Portfolio • Deal Structures Flexible KEY CONTACTS Joseph Cohen • Founding Partner of Trilantic Capital Partners and member of the Executive Key Investment Criteria N/A Committee. Prior to joining TCP, Joe spent 20 years at Lehman Brothers, of Founding Partner which 13 years at Lehman Brothers Merchant Banking where he was the Email: [email protected] European Co-Head. He was also a member of the Lehman Brothers’ Website Investment Management Division's European Operating Committee Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone +44 20 3326 8600 53