EMK Capital KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices London EMK’s vision is to support management teams to achieve transformational growth and to build world class businesses which are leaders in their market. Active Markets UK and Israel EMKfocuses on investments in businesses where we can support growth and change. In partnering with EMK, businesses and management teams get access to more than just capital – we work together to generate ideas on how to take a business forward and act as a catalyst for delivering Founded 2016 change. EMK has the capability to commit over £100m of equity to a single investment from our fund and in partnership with our limited partners we could Employees 14 (of which 14 in Europe) commitfarmoreshouldaportfoliocompanyrequirethatthroughthelifeof aninvestment. Current Fund Size £575m Wetypicallymakemajorityinvestmentsoverperiodsof threeto sevenyears andhaveextensiveexperiencein theEuropeandigitalecosystem. Use of Debt Yes SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Luminati is the world’s largest IP proxy network, and helps make the Web more transparent by allowing businesses AUM £873m to see the internet from the consumer’s point of view. Luminati’s technology and patent portfolio allow it to operate the only mass-scale residential IP proxy network in the world. Target Investment Size £20m - £100m (equity investment) Reconomy is the UK’s market-leading technology enabled outsourced recycling and resource management services company. Reconomy has enjoyed significant growth fuelled by a relentless focus on driving innovation in the waste Target Geographies UK and RoW industry; including the development of an advanced IT platform and customer / supplier mobile apps Target Sectors Generalist Full Portfolio www.emkcapital.com/investments Investment Style Active Deal Structures Control, joint control and minority KEY CONTACTS Mark Joseph • Formerly Founding Partner at Oakley Capital, Managing Director at UBS, Key Investment Criteria Growth Managing Partner PWC • Companies: Luminati, Parship, Facile, Educas, Verivox, Intergenia, Host Website www.emkcapital.com Email: [email protected] Europe etc Contact Email [email protected] Simon Dexter • Formerly Investment Director at Oakley Capital, HSBC, KPMG Investment Director • Companies: Luminati, Parship, Intergenia, Host Europe Contact Phone +44 207 591 4200 Email: [email protected] 48