Lakestar INVESTORDESCRIPTION KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices London, Berlin, Zurich Lakestar makes early and growth stage investments in technology-enabled businesses predominantly in Europe and the United Statesdriven by exceptional entrepreneurs. Weenjoy investing with aspecific focus on business models that can achieve global scalequickly. Active Markets US, Europe, Asia Lakestar and its General Partners have historically invested in facebook, Spotify, Skype, airBnB, klarna, and, and more recent invest- ments include Oscar,Algomi, Teralytics, GoEuro,AngelList,Maker Studios, Taulia, Harry’s, Revolut, FiveAI, and HomeToGo. Founded 2012 TheLakestar team is on the ground in Zurich, Berlin, andLondon. Employees 25 Current Fund Size $400m SELECTED PORTFOLIOCOMPANIES Use of Debt Yes SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Spotify is a commercial music streaming, podcast, and video service that provides digital rights management–pro- AUM $550m tected content from record labels andmedia companies Target Investment Size Early Stage: €1m - €10m OscarisaNew York based technology-driven healthcare serviceand insurance provider for UScitizens. It has been Late Stage: >€10m created as areaction to changes inthe UShealthcare environment, commonly known as the “Obamacare” program Target Geographies US, Europe, Asia Harry’s business model isto design and producehigh-quality razors andshavingequipment and sell them at acom- petitive price point despite high-quality design Target Sectors Internet and mobile technology enabled businesses Full Portfolio • Investment Style Active KEYCONTACTS KEY CONTACTS Deal Structures Minority Shareholder Klaus Hommels DharmashMistry Manu Gupta Outstanding Team / Entrepreneurs, Founder Partner Partner Key Investment Criteria global scale Website Stephen Nundy Christoph Schuh Ninja Struyede Swielande Contact Email N/A Partner Partner Chief Communication Officer Contact Phone N/A INVESTOR BOOK 78