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Home Automation CHRISTIAN ARNOLD | ENERA Managing Director SPEAKER BIO Christian is the Managing Director of enera since 2013, a multipartner cooperation focusing on the digital energy transformation which is initiated by EWE AG. Christian has studied in Germanyand the US and has gained over 10 years of work experience in the Utility, Telecom and Venture Capital Industry. First, he came into contact with the energy market during his studies while researching on risk management in European electricity markets. Afterwards, he joined leading international Multi-Utility and venture capital companies in Germany and the USA. KEY CORPORATE FACTS& KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Oldenburg, Germany Enera is a multipartner cooperation focusing on the digital energy transformation which is initiated by EWE AG. The demonstration project - as an answer to the tender “Schaufenster Key Investors EWE AG Intelligente Energie” (SINTEG) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy - will conduct a large field test with focus on wind energy in the northwest of Germany. With EWE as an Website initiator a consortium of companies will be set up to show how sustainable energy systems can be used on a large scale utilizing smart grids, smart markets and digitalization. Alongside established companies like EWE, TenneT, ENERCON, Siemens and others enera intends to include young companies that have new ideas for the energy sector and are keen on using the possibility to scale their technology and/or business model within the demonstration project. 113

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