Healthcare & Science DANIEL NATHRATH | MEDX Co-founder & CEO SPEAKER BIO Daniel has lived and worked in Germany, Denmark, the UK and the USA as Founder, Managing Director and General Counsel at several internet startups. He also spent some years as a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He trained as a lawyer in Germany and the USA, where he was a Fulbright Scholar, and earned his MBA from the University of Chicago. KEY CORPORATE FACTS& KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Berlin, Germany Medxis avisual reasoning platform for physicians that offers diagnosis decision support at the point of care. Medx Diagnostic Reasoning – They support clinical thinking for faster, safer diagnosis and Office Locations Munich, San Francisco better health outcomes. It combines a broad medical knowledge base, a fast, patient-adaptive reasoning algorithm and an award-winning, patent-pending user interface. Fast responsive Active Markets Germany, USA data entry enables rapid documentation of relevant information. Visual reasoning interface activates and supports clinical thinking and decision-making. Important diagnoses to consider Visual reasoning platform for physicians that are highlighted, along with appropriate next steps. Business Overview offers diagnosis decision support at the point Unlike in traditional AI (artificial intelligence), the emphasis of their work is not on replacing of care. human thinking, but on supporting the clinician’s innate cognitive skills with the goal of both University of Durham, LMU Munich, University ensuring and fostering cognitive excellence. They call this Cognostics. Key Partners of Freiburg, TU Berlin Website 49

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