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Venture Capital ULLI JENDRIK KOOP | XLHEALTH Founder & CEO SPEAKER BIO KEY CORPORATE FACTS& KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Berlin, Germany XLHEALTH, isaGermanbasedVenturecapitalinvestorforDigital Health Startups. We’re looking for clever, product-centric ideas that address consumers in order to improve Founded 2013 human health and/or solve real problems in healthcare. Products can be in the form of web or mobile apps, services, have a hardware or sensor component. Business Overview Digital health venture capital investor As XLHEALTH we offer startups a network of mentors and access to 400,000 providers, organizations, industry partners and patented health technologies. We do provide everything Key Investments MeeDoc, mySUgr you need to launch and boost your startup: capital, mentors, office space, operational support and all stuff related, and we do take international teams. Website We define “health” the way the World Health Organization (WHO) provides it: “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (Quote from the Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization. 48

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