Ecommerce CARINA RÖLLIG | WEBDATA SOLUTIONS GMBH / BLACKBEE Founder and Managing Partner SPEAKER BIO Carina grew up in an entrepreneur family and so she learned quite early what it means to start and manage a business. She studied business administration at the Technical University of Dresden and worked for several years as a product manager at a German travel business. In 2010, as a research assistant in the research project "Web Data Integration Lab" at the University of Leipzig, she met Sabine Maßmann and Dr. Hanna Köpcke. Together they discovered the great potential of the innovative matching technology and so they founded Webdata Solutions in 2012 and released the market analysis software blackbee. KEY CORPORATE FACTS & KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Leipzig, Germany blackbeehelps retailers and manufacturers to effectively gather eCommerce insights in any segment and language. The unique matching process of blackbee generates high quality Office Locations Leipzig results by its ability to integrate contextual knowledge. blackbee was developed by Webdata Solutions GmbH, Leipzig (Germany). Founded 2012 The eCommerceservice provider was founded in 2012 as a spin-off from a research project at No of Employees 38 Leipzig University, and has quickly established itself as one of the worldwide market leaders for online market analysis. The company‘s innovative blackbee platform technology produces Active Markets eCommercemarket worldwide valuable and exclusive market insights for leading online retailers and manufacturers, substantially increasing their competitiveness and profitability. In June 2015 blackbee received the Recent Milestones prestigious Eco Internet Award 2015 in the category E-Commerce Total Funding $4.5m Key Investors TGFS (Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen), Seventure Partners, b-to-v Partners Website 126