NOAH Top List: Europe SaaS Players Company Location Business Overview Founded KeyInvestors Funding Develops and delivers cloud 2000 contact center solutions €130.8m Platform and management software provider for doctors 2013 €78.4m in Europe SaaS solution for sensitive- 2000 data management €73.7m Increases the productivity of sales while providing 2011 €72.8m marketing with relevant data on sales interactions Process mining and big data 2011 analysis SaaS €71.9m Social media monitoring system summarizing content 2007 €60.2m on the web Online restaurant booking infrastructure and marketing 2005 €58.3m service Provider of SaaS-based office 2005 €55.2m application suite Provider of cloud marketing 2000 software for B2C companies €51.2m Provider of web governance 2003 €51.0m software Online healthcare platform enabling patients to find local 2011 €45.9m physicians online Provider of cloud-based HR 2007 €44.0m software SaaS enabling retailers to 2013 digitize their point of sale €38.4m Content management system that enables cross-platform, 2011 €36.4m multi-device publishing Developer of cloud-based applications for small 2009 €35.2m business Source: Company websites, CrunchBase, NOAH Advisors. 44