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Mobility NIR EREZ | MOOVIT Co-Founder and CEO SPEAKER BIO Nir Erez, a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience leading technology start ups, is the CEO and co-founder of Moovit. Prior to Moovit, Nir was also founder and CEO of both ActionBase and Eyron Software Solutions. Nir is also co-owner and co-founder of Eyron Group which invests in early-stage software companies. Nir graduated from the Mamram Academy and holds a degree in Physics. KEY CORPORATE FACTS & KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Tel Aviv, Israel Moovit offers real-time public transit information and GPS navigation across transit modes, including buses, ferries, rapid transit (metro/subways/undergrounds, etc.), trains, trams, and trolleybuses. Office Locations Tel Aviv, Israel; San Francisco, CA Users can access a live map, and view nearby stops and stations based on their current GPS location, as well as plan trips across transportation modes based on real-time data. Founded 2012 The application differs from traditional public transit applications as it is community-driven and integrates No. of Employees Over 85 official public transit data from transit operators with real-time data collected from users via crowdsourcing. Active Markets Available in over 850 cities worldwide In early 2015, Moovit became the first provider to create transit data for areas in which no data is officially Launch of Version 4.10 (which included available (or where local transit agencies do not offer it to app developers) by creating a "community accessibility functionality for blind users), editor" and allowing volunteer editors to generate schedule and map data to be loaded into the Moovit Recent Milestones 100th Community-mapped city launched in app. February Moovit is available in more than 850 cities across 60 countries around the world including Barcelona, Bogota, Cape Town, Istanbul, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico D.F., New York, Paris, Rio de Total Funding $85m raised Janeiro, Rome, São Paulo, Santiago de Chile, Sydney, Tel Aviv, and Toronto. Nokia Growth Partners, BMW i Ventures, Key Investors Keolis, Sequoia Capital, Bernard Arnault Group, Vaizra Investments, BRM Group, Gemini Ventures, Sound Ventures, and more Website 71

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