Cathay Innovation KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices San Francisco, Shanghai, Paris, Beijing, Cathay Innovation is a global early growth venture capital fund, created in affiliation with Cathay Capital Private Equity. It was founded around the New York shared conviction that supporting digital entrepreneurs by providing them with a platform bridging 3 continents – North America, Europe and China – constitutesa particularly powerful value-creation strategy. Active Markets Global Cathay Innovation partners with visionary entrepreneurs, committed to driving change through technology. Such transformation is accelerated by Founded 2015 leveraging Cathay Capital Private Equity’s extensive network with corporates and solid experience in operational excellence. Cathay Innovation has oneglobalteamwhichmanagesaglobalfundinvestedinUS,ChinaandEurope,andhasofficesinSanFrancisco,Paris,BeijingandShanghai. Employees Approx. 10 Current Fund Size N/A Use of Debt No SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Trifacta enables anyone to efficiently explore and prepare data by utilizing machine learning to provide a AUM N/A breakthrough UX and architecture. Target Investment Size N/A Ledger develops security solutions for cryptocurrency and blockchain applications. Target Geographies US, China and Europe Analyzing patient data of today to find treatments of tomorrow Target Sectors N/A Investment Style Active Full Portfolio • Deal Structures N/A KEY CONTACTS Jacky Abitbol • WithCathay Innovation since 20016, previously VP Corporate Development Key Investment Criteria N/A [Photo] at Orange Partner • Over 17 years of advisory and operational experience in Telecommunications, Email: [email protected] Medias and Technology, with a particular expertise in venture capital and Website corporate development. Contact Email N/A Contact Phone +1 212 858 9020 16