Machine Learning + 4 Ecommerce, Marketplaces & Classifieds + 1 PSYKHE Fashion A fashion recommendation aggregator platform powered by AI and personality trait science. Founded: 2019 See More at NOAH Connect KEY CORPORATE FACTS BUSINESS OVERVIEW An early-stage fashion-tech startup blitzscaling its way to launch in February 2020, PSYKHE is an aggregator platform powered by machine Headquarters London, United Kingdom learning, a subset of AI, and personality trait science, a subset of psychology. Active Markets United Kingdom Ecommerce platforms are in a personalisation race using AI and big data: we will win because we understand the psychological data points and… Employees 1-3 READ MORE Ownership Founders CONTACT Key Investors Carmen Busquets Total Funding € 0.115m Anabel Maldonado CEO & Founder NOAH LONDON STARTUP BOOK 66