NOS Stablecoin Analytics KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS COMPANYDESCRIPTION Headquarters St Julians, MaltaNOLLAR is the leading Blocklattice USD-voucher layer enabling banking disruption. OtherOffices Munich, Germany Founded 03/2018 Employees 1-3 ActiveMarkets Europe, USA, Worldwide Transaction Timein 2 Seconds Fees 0 Energy Consumption inkWh 0.000112 KEYCONTACTS Business Overview NOS issues fully fiat backed IOU stablecoins based on Blocklattice-Robert Konopka technology enabling instant, feeless and green transactions. CEO CERN scientist turned entrepreneur enabling a decentralized energy efficient USD-voucher system. Revenues - [email protected] Ownership - TotalFunding €300k KeyInvestors - Website Contactemail [email protected] Contactphone +4917610224423 NOAH18LONDON STARTUPBOOK 16