Signaturit Other KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS COMPANYDESCRIPTION Headquarters Barcelona, Spain Founded in 2013 in Barcelona, Signaturit ́s vision is to help companies maximize the benefits obtained in the OtherOffices Amsterdam digitization of their business processes. Signaturit wants to be a global benchmark provider of electronic signatures and certification for all types of businesses, complying with the legislations in different countries and adapting to Founded 2014 changing requirements. Our HQ is in Barcelona, and we are represented in Madrid, Brussels, Hannover and Amsterdam. Employees 51-100 ActiveMarkets Europe Business Overview Signaturit help companies make all their communications between customers and staff, digital, automated and secure. We already have over 500 paying customers Revenues - KEYCONTACTS Ownership - Juan Zamora His professional career started as an analyst for TotalFunding CEO different Banks. Juan has more than 7 years of €4m [email protected] experience in the Fin. Bonsai Ventures, Banc Sabadell, KeyInvestors Faraday Ventures, Keyword VC and Nero Ventures Website Contactemail [email protected] Contactphone - NOAH18LONDON STARTUPBOOK 176