CovomoVersicherungsvergleich Other KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS COMPANYDESCRIPTION Headquarters Frankfurt am Main, GermanyCovomo tackles the sales inefficiencies of the €11bn product insurance market in Germany with our insurance-as-a- OtherOffices - service distribution platform, which already won over 2.000 B2B partnerships. As of today, Covomo integrated 85% of the German broker market and sells over 1.500 insurance tariffs. Our premium volume grew to more than €1m. Founded 2014 Additionally, we've just launched our own product fabric (Managing General Agent - MGA) "" ( ) focusing on electronic, mobility and pet insurance. Employees 10-25 ActiveMarkets Germany Premium Volumep.a. >€1.5m (2018e) # of B2Bpartnerships > 2,000 Business Overview KEYCONTACTS Become the category killer for product insurance by offering the leading B2B distribution platform and the best on-demand insurance in the market.Simon Nörtersheuser Founder Revenues - [email protected] Ownership - TotalFunding €3m Policen Direkt, Technologie Fonds Hessen, KeyInvestors German Starups Group, Daniel Gutenberg etc. Website Contactemail [email protected] Contactphone - NOAH18LONDON STARTUPBOOK 145