Futur.bike Kit Mobility KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS COMPANYDESCRIPTION Headquarters Moscow, Russia Eczo provides people with green cost-effective personal transport for work and leisure. We ease car to bicycle OtherOffices - substitution for better health, ecology and mobility. Eczo is platform (electronics, software, CAN- BUS based protocol for peripheral devices, electric motor) to build wide range of Light Electric Vehicles. It is already used in a Founded 2015 range of products of our own and third-party development. Employees 4-10 ActiveMarkets - Business Overview Eczo provides people with green cost-effective personal transport for work and leisure. Revenues - KEYCONTACTS Ownership - Oleg Evseenkov Born in 1977, has more than 15 years of executive CEO & co-founder experience in electric power industry, PE&VC, public TotalFunding $200k administration and Light Electric Vehicles business. KeyInvestors [email protected] - Website www.eczo.bike Contactemail [email protected] Contactphone 79859216432 NOAH18LONDON STARTUPBOOK 120