Open asApp DigitalServices KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS COMPANYDESCRIPTION Headquarters Munich, Germany Open as App turns boring data into smart apps or bots. In a unique way, our Cloud platform transfers database OtherOffices - contents, charts, calculations or formulas (world’s only) into user-friendly apps with great functionality, introducing your company to the democratization of app development with IT fully in control. Accelerate digitization with easy Founded 01/2016 and secure data sharing – powered by Open as App. Employees 11-25 ActiveMarkets Europe Business Overview Open as App set out to revolutionize digitization and mobilization of companies. Our vision - Open as App will replace "Save as PD Revenues - KEYCONTACTS Ownership - Stephan Methner Stephan Methner is a seasoned Enterprise Mobility TotalFunding €2m CEO Expert and has already managed several companies KeyInvestors - in the field of platform-independent mobile standards [email protected] systems Website Contactemail [email protected] Contactphone +49175 281 49 54 NOAH18LONDON STARTUPBOOK 29