EQUIQO DigitalServices KKEEYY CCOORRPPOORRAATTEE FFAACCTTSS // KKPPIISSCOMPANYDESCRIPTION Headquarters Wroclaw, PolandAt EQUIQO we provide highest quality IT services to clients from various business sectors. For our clients we OtherOffices - develop solutions to their toughest problems and help them grow faster based on our world-class developers. Our services: IT Outsourcing, Complete Software Development, Mobile App Development. Founded 6/2016 Employees 11-25 ActiveMarkets Europe, USA Business Overview Our mission is to provide our clients with the best possible IT solutions. Revenues - KEYCONTACTS Ownership - Artur Tomys Artur Tomys is Founder and CEO of EQUIQO. TotalFunding €1m CEO/ Founder Before EQUIQO he worked for The University of KeyInvestors - [email protected] Business in Wroclaw as the Chancellor. Website www.equiqo.com Contactemail [email protected] Contactphone - NOAH18LONDON STARTUPBOOK 26