BDO Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft/ BDOLegal KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS BUSINESS SERVICESOFFERED Headquarters Hamburg,Germany Product Name Description Audit, tax and legal services Audits, tax advice, IT advice and legal advice of all kind and in all major industry Other Offices inEU Multiple offices in all European countries| areas (including public sector) Website Active Markets Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland,United Kingdom Employees Over 1,000 EmployeesinEurope 74000 ProductCategories Offline Services, FinancialServices Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Target ClientsIndustries Investor Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Pricing Unit: EUR/hour VideoLink - ActiveMarkets Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia,Lithuania, Netherlands, Min: 250 -Max:400 Norway,Poland,Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, ProductWebsite - Switzerland, Turkey, UnitedKingdom Ownership partnership, main sharevalue family-owned Revenues 215 Mio € in Germany, about 7,6 billionUSD globally SALESCONTACTS Daniel Dr.Wied Partner [email protected] Partner of BDO Legal since 2018, Dr. jur., specialisation in corporate law and M&A as well as Private Euqity and Venture Capital COMPANYDESCRIPTION Audits, tax advice, IT advice and legal advice of all kind and in all major industry areas (including public sector) NOAH18LONDON SERVICE PROVIDERBOOK 14