FSLSOFTWARETECHNOLOGIES KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS BUSINESS SERVICESOFFERED Headquarters NOIDA,INDIA ProductName Description LEXMANTRA Litigation Management tool for corporate houses having multi locations , provides bird eye view Other Offices inEU - of legal matters, alerts,planningnext dates& much more Website www.fsltechnologies.com Founded 2000 Active Markets UnitedKingdom Employees 51-100 Employeesin Europe 1 ProductCategories Financial Technology, FinancialServices Target ClientsIndustries E-Commerce Technology, Communications, Travel & Transportation, Active Markets UnitedKingdom Financial Services, Health, FinancialServices Ownership - Pricing - VideoLink - Revenues - ProductWebsite www.lexmantra.co.in SALESCONTACTS Product Name Description Compliance Mantra Cloud based, right based, responsibility based corporate compliance management & comprehensive reporting acrossacts,agencies ,departments etc RakeshJain . Chairman Active Markets UnitedKingdom [email protected] ProductCategories Financial Technology, FinancialServices Mentor for the group , first generation entrepreneur over 35 years of experience. Target ClientsIndustries Travel & Transportation, Financial Technology, Financial Services, FinancialServices Pricing - VideoLink - ProductWebsite www.compliancemantra.com COMPANYDESCRIPTION Litigation Management tool for corporate houses having multi locations , provides bird eye view of legal matters , alerts , planning next dates & much more NOAH18LONDON SERVICE PROVIDERBOOK 32