CareerTeam KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS BUSINESS SERVICESOFFERED Headquarters Hamburg,Germany Product Name Description Datadriven Headhunting CareerTeam is one of Europe’s leading executive search agency for the digital space. We OtherOfficesin EU Berlin|Germany find unique Executives or builds digitalteams Website Founded 2011 Active Markets France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom Employees 100-1,000 EmployeesinEurope 140 ProductCategories Marketplaces, Media, Communications, Financial Technology, Marketing, Analytics, Digital Services ActiveMarkets France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Retail, E-Commerce Technology, Marketplaces,Media, Communications, Travel & UnitedKingdom Target ClientsIndustries Transportation, Financial Technology, Gaming,Health, Marketing, Analytics, Ownership Digital Services, Hardware, Association, Investor - Pricing - VideoLink - Revenues - ProductWebsite - SALESCONTACTS OleMensching CEO [email protected] Ole Mensching is the founder of CareerTeam, a doctorate from the University of Cologne and the University of California, Berkeley. COMPANYDESCRIPTION CareerTeam is one of Europe’s leading executive search agency for the digital space. We find unique Executives or builds digital teams NOAH18LONDON SERVICE PROVIDERBOOK 17