headfinders.com KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS BUSINESS SERVICESOFFERED Headquarters Hamburg,Germany Product Name Description Executive Search / Executive Search for Startups We strongly believe that we have a good instinct for Other Offices inEU Berlin|Germany Headhunting youngleaderswhocanelevateastartuptothenextlevel. Website www.headfinders.com Founded 2008 Active Markets Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Switzerland Employees 4-10 EmployeesinEurope 5 ProductCategories Offline Services ActiveMarkets Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Marketplaces, Media, Communications, Travel & Transportation,Financial Lithuania, Netherlands, Switzerland Target ClientsIndustries Technology, Financial Services, Gaming, Health, Marketing, Digital Services, Ownership Offline Services, Financial Services, Hardware, Investor - Pricing - VideoLink - Revenues - ProductWebsite https://ceosearch.de SALESCONTACTS Dr. FrankKnoche CEO [email protected] Frank can draw on over 20 years of experience at large corporations and nimble new businesses. Frank will support your success. COMPANYDESCRIPTION Executive Search for Startups We strongly believe that we have a good instinct for young leaders who can elevate a startup to the next level. NOAH18LONDON SERVICE PROVIDERBOOK 37