Stryber KKEEYY CCOORRPPOORRAATTEE FFAACCTTSS // KKPPIISS BUSINESS SERVICESOFFERED Headquarters Zurich, Switzerland Product Name Description Other Offices inEU CorporateVentures Stryber builds venture portfolios for corporates. Munich,Germany Active Markets Austria, Germany, Switzerland Website Founded 2016 ProductCategories DigitalServices Employees 26-50 Employeesin Europe 30 Target ClientsIndustries Retail, Media, Communications, Financial Technology, Financial Services, Health, Digital Services, Other Active Markets Austria, Germany,Switzerland Pricing - VideoLink Ownership - ProductWebsite Revenues - SALESCONTACTS AlexanderMahr Co-Founder & ManagingPartner [email protected] co-founder @ multiple startups corporate VC @ media innovation @ telco strategy consulting @ top firm COMPANYDESCRIPTION We are a team of startup enthusiasts, product & technology people, top management consultants and industry managers. We help our clients to execute on digital growth – from the first discussion in the board to the execution of M&A, corporate ventures or building a digital business unit. NOAH18LONDON SERVICE PROVIDERBOOK 57