Insurance & Finance DR. CHRISTIAN RICKEN | DEUTSCHE BANK COO of Private & Business Clients SPEAKER BIO Dr. Christian Ricken is COO of Deutsche Bank’s Private & Business Clients (PBC) division since 2008. He is responsible for managing PBC’s cost base, performance, strategy and asset & liability management. Dr. Ricken plays a key role in setting the division’s strategy. Dr. Ricken holds several Supervisory Board mandates and is member of the Board of Directors of HuaXia Bank, China. Additionally, he is head of the audit committee of Postbank AG and Deutsche Bank PGK AG. He studied Business Administration at the Bundeswehr University in Hamburgandgraduatedwithadoctoraldegreein 1997. KEY CORPORATE FACTS& KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Frankfurt, Germany Deutsche Bank AG is a German global banking and financial services company with its headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers in Frankfurt. It has more than 90,000 Office Locations 2,800 worldwide employees in over 70 countries, and has a large presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia- Founded 1870 Pacific and the emerging markets. In 2009, Deutsche Bank was the largest foreign exchange dealer in the world with a market share of 21 per cent. It is considered to be one of the most No of Employees 98k employees prestigious and most influential banks in the world. Deutsche Bank comprises five corporate divisions: Corporate Banking & Securities (CB&S), Active Markets 71 countries Private & Business Clients (PBC), Global Transaction Banking (GTB), Deutsche Asset & Business Overview Financial Services WealthManagement(DeutscheAWM)andtheNon-Core OperationsUnit (NCOU). Recent Milestones Awarded “Best M&A advisory services in the industrial sector” in 2015 KPI#1 2,800 branches globally KPI #2 €1.709bn of total assets Key Financials 39.4bn of revenues in 2014 Website 4

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