Marketplaces YUSUF AZOZ | KARIYER.NET CEO SPEAKER BIO Starting his career in USA, Yusuf worked as a Senior Consultant for four years in Telcordia Technologies where he led European-focused business development activities. After returning Turkey, he became the Division Head of Messaging Services in Turkcell and led the team responsible for the development and management of these services for Turkcell customer segments. Yusuf positioned for the roles of Division Head of Content Services and Partnering and Division Head of Consumer Services. In this period, he testified the development of internet and mobile technologies and contributed the process. Since 2007, Yusuf has been heading the largest online employment recruitment company of Turkey, KEY CORPORATE FACTS & KPIs COMPANY OVERVIEW Headquarters Istanbul, Turkey is the first and biggest online recruitment company in Turkey. It was established in 1999, marking the emergence online recruitment practice in the country. Office Locations Istanbul, Umraniye Dynamically adjusting to new technologies, has been the market leader for the past 16 years. Today, hosts 23 million resumes and serves 63 thousand recruiting companies. Every month, 15.000 new jobs are posted. The monthly number of applications is Founded 1999 over 7 million, 65 percent of which comes from mobile applications. No of Employees 413 Today, has 13 regional offices all around Turkey and communicates a widely known brand that is closely associated with modern Human Resources management applications. Active Markets Turkey Ownership 100% Ilab Ventures Key Investors Ilab Ventures Website 78