Selected NOAH Advisors Deals August 2017 December 2016 October 2016 September 2016 Acquisition of a Majority Stake in Investment in Investment in Acquisition of a Majority Stake in by by by by from 84% Ownership at a valuation of $200m Exclusive Financial Advisor to at a valuation of €300m Financial Advisor to EMK Capital Financial Advisor to Silver Lake KäuferPortaland its Financial Advisor to Oakley Shareholders Capital May 2016 November 2015 August 2015 September 2015 Investment in $5m fundraising and NOAH as $14m fundraising and NOAH as Sale of 70% stake in 10Bis the Lead Investor the Lead Investor by to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to 10Bis and its Shareholders Pipedrive Aloha Drushimand its Shareholders July 2015 December 2014 October 2014 September 2014 Primary funding for Sale of 100% of Sale of 100% of Sale of controlling stake in from for $800m to for €80m to to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Advisor to BIScience Fotolia and the Selling Trovit and its Shareholders and its Shareholders Shareholders August 2014 May 2014 February 2013 May 2012 sold 100% of Growth equity investment from $150 million growth equity investment from sale to for $228m to JV between for a 30% stake alongside Softonic’s for a 50% stake alongside Fotolia’s Founders and Angel Investors at Founders and TA Associates €275m valuation Additional $150 million senior debt financing Advisor to the Selling Shareholders Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Financial Advisor to Yad2 and its Shareholders Softonic and its shareholders Fotolia and its Shareholders April 2012 November 2011 July 2011 July 2011 Sale of 100% in Sale of a majority stake in Sale of a majority stake in have acquired a majority stake in to to to for $350m from Quants Financial Services AG at a valuation of €40m Financial Advisor to Toprural Exclusive Financial Advisor to Exclusive Advisor to and its Shareholders grupfoniand its Shareholders Exclusive Advisor to EnGrande Summit Partners and TA Associates 3