Macquarie Capital KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS INVESTORDESCRIPTION KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Sydney, New York,London, Macquarie Group Ltd. is a leading provider of banking, financial, advisory, investment and funds management services through its six core San Francisco, Hong Kong, andothers segments:MacquarieFundsGroup,CorporateandAssetFinance,BankingandFinancialServicesGroup,MacquarieSecuritiesGroup,Macquarie Capital;andFixedIncome,CurrenciesandCommodities. ActiveMarkets Global Macquarie Capital is the merchant banking segment of Macquarie and provides M&A and restructuring advisory and debt and equity capital Founded 2000 raising servicesto corporateandgovernmentclients.In addition,MacquarieCapitaldeploys aprincipal/ merchant bankingstrategyandinvests debt, structured debt and equity and common equity capital in companies in its focus sectors of TMT, industrials, infrastructure, financial institutions,gamingandleisure,realestate,andresources. Employees 1,136 (as ofMarch 2017) Current FundSize N/A SELECTED PORTFOLIOCOMPANIES Use ofDebt Yes SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES AUM N/A Takeaway.comisanonlinefooddeliverymarketplace Target InvestmentSize $20m –$200m (as of March2015) IO.comprovidesmodulardatacentertechnologyandservicesfor enterprises,governmentsandserviceproviders. TargetGeographies Global CommonBondisanonlinelendingplatformthatconnectsborrowersandinvestorstomakeeducationfinance Infrastructure, Utilities and Renewables,Real better TargetSectors Estate,TMT,Media,Entertainment& Tech, esources, Industrials,FinancialInstitutions InvestmentStyle Active &Passive FULLPORTFOLIO KEYCONTACTS DealStructures Flexible, CommonEquity, Preferred, Mezzanine KEY CONTACTS MarketLeading,HighGrowth,Best-In- ElmarBroscheit GokayUrenay AndreAugustin KeyInvestmentCriteria Class, Management, MatureCompanies, Senior VicePresident ManagingDirector Senior VicePresident Cash Flow Characteristics, LateGrowth Website Contact macquarie-capital Phone DavidStanden StefanFeilhauser ConstantineManos ContactEmail N/A Partner Vice President Senior VicePresident +1 (212) 2310409 50

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