Insight Venture Partners KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS INVESTORDESCRIPTION KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices NewYork Insight Venture Partners is a leading global venture capital and private equity firm investing in high-growth technology and software companies that are driving transformative change in their industries. Founded in 1995, Insight has raised more than $8bn and invested in more than 200 companies worldwide. Its mission is to find, fund and work successfully with visionary executives providing them with practical, hands-on growth ActiveMarkets Global expertisetofosterlong-termsuccess. Founded 1995 Employees 51-100(ofwhich-inEurope) Current FundSize $3bn SELECTED PORTFOLIOCOMPANIES Use ofDebt Yes SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Europe’slargesthotelmeta-searchdestination,wherevisitorscaneasilyfindthebestdealbycomparingpricesfrom AUM $8bn over500,000hotelsandover100bookingsitesworldwide Target InvestmentSize $20m -$200m EveryweekHelloFreshsendsfreshingredientsneededtopreparedeliciousrecipesathome TargetGeographies Global Worldwidenetworkofonlinefoodorderingsiteswith over55,000restaurantsconnectedtoitsservice TargetSectors Software,Internet& Tech-enabledServices InvestmentStyle Active FULLPORTFOLIO KEYCONTACTS DealStructures Flexible KEY CONTACTS HarleyMiller • Harley Miller joined Insight in 2011. He previously worked as an analyst at Lubert Key InvestmentCriteria Growth VicePresident AdlerRealEstateFundsinPhiladelphia,focusingonacquisitionandasset [email protected] management Website TejinderGill • Tejinder Gill joined Insight in 2015. He previously focused on international ContactEmail [email protected] expansionwhileworkingatDeliveryHero,basedinBerlin,andhasspenttime Associate consulting in the telecommunications industry with Altman Vilandrie & Co.. ContactPhone +1 212 2309200 [email protected] Beforeventuringintotheworldofbusiness,Tejinderresearchedbloodcell productionandcancerattheHarvardStemCellinstitute. 43