Singtel Innov8 KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Tel Aviv, Singapore, San Francisco Singtel Innov8 is the venture capital arm of Singapore Telecommunications Ltd, specializing in seed and early-stage start-ups and growth capital investments. Its investments are focused on technologies and solutions that lead to quantum changes in network capabilities, next-generation devices,digital contentservices,andtechnologiesto enhancecustomerexperience. Active Markets Global Singtel Innov8 works closely with the ecosystem of leading innovators, developers, government agencies, R&D, and capital providers to bring cutting- Founded 2010 edgetechnologiesandsolutionstothevariousmarketsinwhichtheSingtelgroupoperates. Employees Approx. 25 Current Fund Size $250m Use of Debt No SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Cato Networks provides cloud-based and secure global SD-WAN for the distributed, mobile and Cloud-enabled AUM $250m enterprise. Target Investment $200k - $30m Fireglass provides network security solutions via web isolation. Fireglass was acquired by Symantec in Jul 2017 for Size USD250M. Target Geographies Worldwide (Asia Pacific, America, Europe, Australia) Arista Networks computer networking firm delivering cloud networking solutions for large data center and computer Cybersecurity, Cloud Infrastructure, Enterprise environments. Target Sectors Solutions, Next Gen Networks, IoT Investment Style Active Full Portfolio Deal Structures N/A KEY CONTACTS Gal Avital Key Investment N/A Strategic Partnership & Marketing • With Singtel Innov8 since 2016. Previously VP Business Development at Criteria Executive Cream Software and CEO & Co-Founder at Recardo. Website Email: [email protected] Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone +65 6838 4686 38