Redstone Digital KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS INVESTORDESCRIPTION KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices Berlin Redstone is a Berlin based Venture Capital firm. They work with industry leaders activating their capital, knowledge and network enabling entre- preneurs to grow their businesses. Redstone believes in transparent and fast communication between the funds we manage and the start-ups they support. Working with the investors the firm enables entrepreneurs to access additional valued services alongside any capital investment. Active Markets Europe Theapproachinvolvesinvestingfrom severalfundssimultaneouslytosupportourvisiontoinvestgloballyateverystageandineverysector Founded 2014 Employees 11-25 Current Fund Size N/A SELECTED PORTFOLIOCOMPANIES Use of Debt Yes SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES AUM N/A atheneum-World‘sleadingexperts,empoweringnewbusinessdecisions.Lastfundraise€10m Target Investment Size €500k - €2m Flexpertobuildsthecentralinterfacebetweenyourcompanyandthecustomers Target Geographies Europe Inventorum’s software enables small retailers to manage their offline and online businesses by supporting daily Target Sectors B2B, Fintech, Cybersecurity Data, IoT, processes SaaS, AI Investment Style Active FULLPORTFOLIO KEYCONTACTS Deal Structures Minority KEY CONTACTS SamueliSiren • Samuli is an entrepreneur who has founded several companies including Key Investment Criteria Top team Redstone. Post-university he started a company syndicating financial data for ManagingPartner internetportalsandbanks.HethenfoundedM&ABoutiqueFinfortecwherehe spent several years gaining experience in later stage and buy-out deals. Before Website becomingtheManagingDirectoratRedstoneheworkedfortheKlingelGroup. Contact Email MarcusSchroeder Venture Partner Contact Phone +49 30 27590487 32

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