Eight Roads Ventures KEY CORPORATE FACTS /KPIS INVESTORDESCRIPTION KEY CORPORATE FACTS / KPIS INVESTOR DESCRIPTION Offices London Eight Roads Ventures is a global venture capital firm that backs entrepreneurs with aspiration for greatness. Together with associated funds we manage $4BN of capital across offices in the UK, India, China, Japan and the US. A near 50-year history of investing includes partnerships with companies such as Alibaba, Appsflyer, CloudByte, Cúram, Future Advisor, InnoGames, iPipeline, Kensho, Made.com, Manthan Systems, Neo4j, Active Markets Global Nuance,PingIdentity,Prosper,Treatwell,Recurly,WallapopandXoom. Founded 1998 Employees 51 – 100 SELECTED PORTFOLIO COMPANIES Current Fund Size £150m MadeisanonlinefurnitureretailerheadquarteredinLondon Use of Debt No SELECTED PORTFOLIOCOMPANIES Appsflyer isamobileadvertisingattributionandanalysisplatform.HeadquarteredinTelAviv AUM N/A NeoTechnologyisaNoSQLgraphdatabase.OriginallyfoundedinMalmo,thecompanyiscurrentlyheadquartered in SanFrancisco Target Investment Size £5m - £25m FULLPORTFOLIO eightroads.com/en/ventures/europe Target Geographies Global KEY CONTACTS E-Commerce, Marketplace, Education KEYCONTACTS Target Sectors Technology, Travel & Transportation, FinTech, Gaming, Analytics, Digital MichaelTreskow • MichaelisaPartneratEightRoadsVentures Services • Previously,hewasatAccelinLondonandWarburgPincusinFrancisco.Michael Partner received a BA from Yale University and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate Investment Style Active [email protected] School ofBusiness Deal Structures Majority, Minority Key Investment Criteria N/A Website eightroads.com/en/ventures Contact Email [email protected] Contact Phone +44 20 7074 5400 11