
The most secure messenger application for private communication

XO connects - adhoc & secure data sharing

Hoccer XO is the most secure messenger application for private communication. Our transport and end-to-end encryption provides sender and recipient with the highest standards of security. No telephone number or registration needed.

NEW: Use our adhoc communication tool and join public conversations while being nearby. Find new friends around you and share.

All messages are directly encrypted on your device and can only be decrypted by the designated recipient. Even on Hoccer servers, there is absolutely no possibility that someone reads along your messages. All Hoccer servers are located in Germany and are therefore, subject to the German data protection law.

Important: How to get startet and important information on your Hoccer profile as well as how to safe your login data to transfer your account - click here.

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Hoccer XO is a safe messenger-app for smartphones and tablets. We will describe how to get Hoccer XO going on your device - step by step.

When opening XO for the first time on your Android or Apple smartphone you will be asked to set up a profile. Pick a name of your choice, no matter if real name, nickname or alias. It's up to you how to be visible for your contacts. You can even upload a picture, if you like. There are no rules in configuring your individual profile.

Where are my contacts?

Many users have been puzzled when opening XO for the first time: No contacts to be seen anywhere around. Other messenger apps automatically screen your phone for contacts using the same apps, but we dispensed this function on purpose: Hoccer XO will not scan contacts on your phone at any time, nor will any information be sent and saved on our servers! Only you decide who you want to share "hugs & kisses" with. Your data will not be saved, nor will any information be used for any marketing or analysis purposes.

Invite your contacts

Hoccer XO allows you to invite your contacts with ease. Just send a text message, a mail or a QR-Code to your friends. As soon as your invitation has been accepted, the contact will appear in your contacts list. Time to get started.

If you choose "invite via Code" a QR-code will be generated, which can be scanned by the person you'd like to. This is helpful, when you're face to face with your friends. As an alternative, a plain code can be displayed, which you can simply pass to your friends to add you. Just tab "Scan code / type in code", type in the code and you're connected!

Save your Log-in Data / Migrate your account

Because we don't save your information on our servers, your Log-In data is saved on your phone. That's why you should export your credentials to your Mac/PC once. This is very important as soon as you're planning to move XO from one smartphone to another. A description of the necessary steps will follow:

For iOS users:
First, open iTunes on your computer. Open XO on your device and tap on your profile and "edit". Scroll down and press "export credentials". You will be asked to pick a strong password. Then connect the device to iTunes and go to the device page. Then select the Apps tab and scroll down to the file sharing section and select Hoccer XO. In the right hand list you will find the file credentials.json. Drag and drop it to the desktop. Now your log-in data is saved on your computer.

To transfer your account information to a new device, you need to connect that new device to iTunes. Select the device and go to the Apps tab again. Select Hoccer XO in the File Sharing section and drag credentials.json from the desktop to the right hand list. Now launch Hoccer XO on your new device and go to your profile. Tab edit and press "import credentials" and enter the password you chose at the beginning of this process. Relaunch Hoccer XO and enjoy.

For Android users:

Open XO on your device and tap on settings and „export credentials". You will be asked to pick a strong password and tab „OK". Then connect the device to your computer or use a file manager app. You will find a file named „credentials.json" in the root directory of your device. Copy that file to your computer or to another device. Now your log-in data is saved.

To import your credentials to an other device, transfer those credentials to your new phone and make sure that it is located in the root directory. Start Hoccer XO and go to "settings" and tap "import credentials". Enter now the password you memorized beforehand and tap "OK". Now the credentials will be loaded from the imported file and all your contacts should be synchronized. To be sure, please re-start Hoccer XO and enjoy!

Please note: You cannot run one account on multiple devices yet!

If you have any questions, please feel free to check our FAQs or contact our support! We're always happy about feedback and love to help you out!

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