30-31 October 2019 Old Billingsgate 1,500+ attendees – the “who is who” of European Investors and entrepreneurs tell their Internet common success stories 100+ of Europe’s leading digital businesses and Topical meeting areas to make new relevant 80+ handpicked top start-ups on stage contacts Selected Con昀椀rmed Speakers Anne Boden Sachin Dev Duggal Johannes Schildt Markus Villig Clare Gilmartin Dr. Tim Sievers Nathan Coe Amos Haggiag Sujay Tyle Christian Faes Founder & CEO Co-Founder Co-Founder & CEO Founder & CEO CEO Founder & CEO CFO Co-Founder & CEO Co-Founder & CEO Co-Founder & CEO ngineer.ai Charles Delingpole Chris Tsakalakis Ricky Knox Jonathan Clayton Efe Cakarel Lucas von Cranach Kieran O’Neill Burak Ertas Dave Waiser Paulin Dementhon Founder & CEO CEO Co-Founder & CEO CEO Founder & CEO Founder & CEO Co-Founder & CEO CEO Founder & CEO Founder & CEO 17