Attendee Prices - Overview Ticket Category Category Criteria Berlin London London Zurich EUR EUR GBP* CHF 2019 2020 • Sells goods or services Startup • Founded 2016 or later 340 510 450 790 • Less than €5m raise • Sells physical goods to anyone or Internet / Corporate 590 895 790 1,290 services primarily to consumers • Sells services primarily to corporates • Research analysts Service Provider 790 1,121 990 1,490 • Founded before 2016 Investor Small • AUM below €100m 990 1,586 1,400 • Public-only equity or debt investors 1,750 • AUM above €100m Investor Large 1,590 2,265 2,000 2,100 Banker • M&A and corporate 昀椀nance 2,990 3,624 3,200 professionals 2,990 2018 Startup 450 510 450 Internet / Corporate 790 895 790 Service Provider 990 1,121 990 Investor Small 1,400 1,586 1,400 Investor Large 2,000 2,265 2,000 Banker 3,290 3,624 3,200 * Prices are subject to change from 昀氀uctuating FX rates 22